Hello Cos-fitizens, I'm DWraith (aka Danny) It is a pleasure to meet all of you. A little about me: I'm a college senior, in the Marine Corps Reserves (5years this year), avid cosplayer and gym goer. My favorite cosplay I have done so far is Pyramid Head from Silent Hill: Revelation. I love encouraging and motivating people. If you're looking for something to give you a smile and some motivation, hit me up!

I'm into cosplay, gaming (I've just recently started playing LoL), some anime, manga, and comics (mainly the Marvel Universe but some DC as well) and SciFi books (don't get me started on Game of Thrones) and movies.

I am not a personal trainer. Everything I've learned comes from what I've read, heard from trainers/ other gym goers, and personal experience. If you have any questions or feel like talking, hit me up! If I'm unsure of the answer I will redirect you to Mr. A. I look foreward to being your admin here on Cos-fit!