Portfolio Category: Nutrition 101


Adding Cinnamon to foods is a great way to bring out the sweetness that's already in it instead of adding extra sugar!
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Energy Drinks

They come with a lot of clever catch phrases and promises of "healthy energy", but most of them are full of high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and huge amounts of caffeine.
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Do You Know Your Fiber?

How Much Dietary Fiber Do You Need? 25 grams for women under 50 and teenage girls.  Teenage boys and men under 50 (who consume more calories than women) require upwards of 30-38 grams of dietary fiber daily.
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Food Addiction

David Linden, Ph. d., a professor of Neuroscience at John Hopkins University, has done research on food and how it affects the pleasure centers of the brain.  What his research has discovered is that when a lean person sees and smells food, they only get a weak stimulus in the pleasure center of the brain…
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