Should you take supplements? Chances are you should. Now I'm not saying you should run out and get every product on the shelf, but here…
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Why hello there, Internet. I didn’t see you come in. Pardon me while I slip into something more comfortable. *Slips on faux-fur sandals* Welcome to…
Interview between Mr. A and Luna Lanie about cosplay, fitness and zombies on 7/25/14.
My interview with Valkyrie of the Cos Fit A Team.
The second part of my interview with Khall Drené
Interview with one of my favorite cosplayers. Sadly we couldn't keep the video working, but the audio came through pretty well. I hope you enjoy,…
I woke up this morning to this wonderful message from Tentacle Grape Cosplay. She had a pretty big wake up call last year, but has really…